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  • Kinlochbervie Land+ project

    January 2023




    end of March 2024

    Land+ KLB project work began in January 2023. The focus of this work is around the natural assets: what the land and sea does and can do for the Kinlochbervie community. This phase of work runs until April 2024 and focusses on gathering in the knowledge, the wishes and needs of the community to create proposals which aim to bring about positive change for the community, and for the land and sea.
  • 1st draft KLB Community Land+ Manifesto

    January 2024




    March 2024

    A key part of the this work is making the 1st KLB Community Land+ Manifesto. This will represent the voices of the community and form principles to shape and guide ambitions for land use now and future. The younger generation are at the heart of this - bringing together their views as well as those of their families - about land use past, present and future.....
  • KLB Community Manifesto

    March 2024





    The KLB Land+ Manifesto will become part of a funding proposal developed by the community. This proposal will seek to secure funding needed to progress the community-agreed and community-led actions.