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Nothing about us, without us! The future of the community- hear our voices...

Pupils from across the north west of Sutherland have taken on the MANIFESTO - MAKING mission. 

The NW Schools Pupil Parliament meets once a month. This group of young people represent their fellow Primary pupils across Durness, Kinlochbervie and Scourie and Kinlochbervie High school. Encouraged by Headteacher Mr John Naples-Campbell, the children use this time together to discuss what is important to them, and to respond to matters brought to them by the school and those outwith- like us! 

Sophie Clark and Rachel Skene spent time with the pupils in the February parliament. The enquiring, positives attitudes, and the insightful questions and contributions (made by the youngest to oldest in the group) really highlights how important it is to ensure the voices, opinions and knowledge of the younger generation is at the heart of community collaboration and change-making

The pupil parliament reps have taken packs of manifestos back to their schools and classes- we are sure their encouragement will mean lots of manifestos are made so part of the overall community manifesto being made.

Thanks to all the pupils for being so inspiring and keen to make their manifestos.

Posted on 2nd March 2024

by Land+ team

The makings of a manifesto Land+ KLB

Land+ KLB activity is rooted in the place- this pilot project is funded for a short, sharp window of time and we are focused on moving the theoretical into action asap. 

We have all lived through past rounds of projects which come and go, leaving maybe not much more behind than an exasperated community - we don't want to add to that track record...

So what are we doing that is different? We think that by community based people being employed to be at the heart of the work, this work has much greater integrity, and to be honest - intelligence. As mentioned in the previous post- external expertise is absolutely needed but much more is achieved with a collaborative, community-led approach.

We are honest and open about the the shifts and the turns made along the way as we listen, respond and learn together. 

One of the central tenets of this work is that it draws from the past, it respects and understands where we are now- in order to take informed action for the FUTURE. We all know our NW2045 communities are under threat but we all know the commitment of people in these places to make change happen - for everyones' sake. 

There is an ongoing activism in KLB- from playparks, to football pitches, to community owned houses to the current Save our Schools campaign. The hydro scheme is bringing in money which can help sustain sustain needed capacity.  

These actions are the making of a community manifesto which stand for the values and commitment of the place. We see this as a valuable and important set of principles to be laid down and used to help guide decision to support change. 

We are going to set out on this, starting with the younger generation so be please be ready to listen and respond to what they have to say on this....

Posted on 17th February 2024

by The land+ team

Pioneering work..

The Land+ KLB project has been gathering alot of information- as well as the KLB generated input, some of this is coming from those with other specialist knowledge to contribute- including on carbon, natural capital, ecology, land and agriculture. This is resourced by the funding from NatureScot and The National Heritage Lottery fund under a programme called The Facility for Investment Ready Nature in Scotland (FIRNS) . We are part of an initial cohort of projects funded n 2023/24. This has given us increased awareness of activities across Scotland, including by those involved in the Scottish Nature Finance Pioneers.

Posted on 17th February 2024

by The Land+ team

Land+ Kinlochbervie team - landowner, crofter, ghillie, mother, teacher, maker....

The Land+ KLB team is now working on this funded phase of the project to the end of March 2024. 

The work on the ground in KLB is led by three people who have been brought up in the area: Denise Macdonald is a third-sector professional, crofter, mother of 3 young children- all in KLB schools, Chair of the Parent Council and member of the KLB Community Council; Sara Harkins brings her experience including as Kinlochbervie Estate owner and as a creative industries professional;  Sophie Clark brings her knowledge of ghillieing, stalking and Estate work, her teaching work as part of the UHI North Highland College Rural resource team as well as active role in community services - including being a retained firefighter. The team also includes Assynt based Ewen McLachlan, Achiltibuie based Lizzie Williams and Helmsdale based Rachel Skene. This NW2045 employed team- all work p/t and flexibly around other commitments so to collaborate and deliver this pilot project. We are all really aware of our responsibility to the community here and now, and alert to the very real threats affecting the sustainability of this community and especially the younger generation. 

We are especially keen to acknowledge the time and input already given by those in the community- whose valuable insights and knowledge are central to the work being taken forward.

Posted on 17th February 2024

by The Land+ team

NW2045 Land+ project secures funding

We heard in September 2023 that we have secured a 6 month development grant to take further our Land+ Kinlochbervie work. This means we can resource community time to input to this project, as well as bring in people to undertake additional activities to inform our understanding of the possible ways forward per land use change in the area.

The work is particularly focused on what funding can be brought into the area to support these changes, with a view to these activities contributing to community wealth-building so to help address the fundamental needs, as clearly expressed by the community. 

This 6mth project is funded until the end of March 2024.

Posted on 17th February 2024

by The Land+ team